Court-Martial News – June 2012
Far too often, courts-martial end badly for the service member involved. Even cases that end well normally leave the accused worse than they were before the preferral of court-martial charges.
Recently, we received news that one of our past court-martial cases ended extremely well for the young man accused of crimes.
Three years ago, he faced over a dozen charges ranging from drug dealing to being late for duty. In all, he faced more than 80 years in jail and a dishonorable discharge if convicted at court-martial. By the end of trial, all the most serious charges were dropped, and he was only found guilty of having drugs in his urine on two occasions. Even then, the defense team objected to the evidence presented by the prosecution. He was sentenced to 120 days of confinement and a Bad-Conduct Discharge by a military jury.
Just a few weeks ago, we discovered that an appeals court overturned the guilty verdicts of the court-martial. It was a great result for a good young man. We are thrilled at the fact that he faces a rejuvenated future and possible Army career.
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