From Discharge to Discharge Upgrade – Be Aware, Prepared
A common problem often arises when we review possible cases for discharge upgrades. My client failed to start preparing while they were still in uniform. This is where preparing for a discharge upgrade begins. Great preparation helps your military discharge upgrade lawyer to prepare for your application to a discharge review board. First, awareness. You… Read More
Discharge Upgrade – That Feeling
This will be a short post, but it does relate to discharge upgrades and the relationship of a lawyer to his client. I frequently receive envelopes in the mail from the various service discharge review boards. Some contain mundane procedural information. Some are scheduling notifications. Others reveal decisions that aren’t ones that make me happy…. Read More
Discharge Upgrade Update
Based on a few trends in the field of discharge upgrades, I want to address a few things. First, PTSD can be a valid reason for upgrading a discharge. However, despite persistent rumors to the contrary, it is not a guarantee. If you have a characterization of “Other Than Honorable,” it is persuasive to argue… Read More
Back to Life
This blog has been dormant far too long. Time to remedy that. A few things have changed since we last posted here. First, we’ve met and represented many amazing servicemembers from across the nation. It is truly a humbling experience. Second, we have refined the focus of this law office in an attempt to better… Read More
Good Results for Good People
Here at The Mayer Group, we celebrate when good news arrives for good people/veterans. That happened recently. We are proud to be able to help our client and their family. Always a pleasure for a military lawyer and staff.
A Few Discharge Review Board Notes – June 2015
Here are a few thoughts after my last few trips to the various service discharge review boards: It can be difficult to argue that you were innocent of the acts that gave rise to a discharge. The board initially believes that an applicant is guilty, and the burden is on the applicant to prove otherwise…. Read More