The Mayer Law Blog

Discharge Upgrade Letters of Recommendation – A Quick Guide

Posted January 15th, 2025 in General

We are often asked how to format discharge upgrade letters of recommendation.

Here’s a really quick example. This is merely an example of something that has worked before. Your particular case may require something more detailed or tailored to the needs of your case. None of this is legal advice, and you should run your case by an experienced discharge upgrade attorney before you send it in.

Paragraph 1: Introduction. The writer should explain who they are. This includes, but is not limited to, their educational background and achievements, work experience and achievements, military service and achievements, and community service.

Paragraph 2: How they know you. The writer should explain how they know you. This might include when they met you, how long they’ve known you, how many times a day/week/month/year they see you, and whether they have observed your in your military service.

Paragraph 3: What they think of you. The writer should explain their opinion of you in the capacities they know you. This may include your traits as a person, citizen, service member, or leader. If possible, they should cite examples.

Paragraph 4: OPTIONAL. What they think the result of your case or application should be. This is optional and should only be done in certain, very specific situations. They might include a paragraph of what they believe the board, judge, or commander should decide in your case. To do this, they usually need to have knowledge and understanding of the allegations, procedure, and options.

They should sign the letter and include their contact information.

That’s a very simple, very general outline for a letter. For more information, consider consulting with us by clicking here or here.

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