Immigration Law Help
In addition to military lawyers who help with courts-martial, discharge upgrade, administrative separations, and other obvious military law matters, The Mayer Group provides representation for service members with immigration law issues.
Immigration laws disproportionately affect military members, but there are many benefits for service members that are not available to nonmembers. Thankfully, the rules and laws continue to become better for service members and their families.
Via the AZCentral:
As a member of the Arizona Army National Guard, Gabriel Zermeño has been preparing for almost two years to be deployed overseas.
But the country he signed up to defend could also one day deport his father. The reason? Zermeño, 21, is a citizen born in the U.S. But his father, Jose Zermeño, 53, is an immigrant from Mexico who has been living in the U.S. illegally for more than 30 years and has faced deportation proceedings.
“At any moment, I could be overseas fighting for my country and he could be getting deported by the same country I was supposed to be fighting for,” Zermeño said.
Soon, however, Zermeño’s father may be able to legalize his status, possibly within a couple of months, thanks to a new policy issued by President Barack Obama’s administration.
The policy, which went into effect last month, allows the undocumented spouses, children and parents of military personnel to be “paroled” into the U.S.
Once paroled, undocumented relatives will then be able to apply for green cards without having to first go back to their home countries, where those who entered illegally face bans from returning to the U.S. for up to 10 years.
Thousands of military families may benefit, experts say.
The policy comes as Obama is under growing pressure from immigration-reform advocates to take steps on his own to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation as immigration reform remains stalled in Congress.
The policy has been hailed by military and immigrant advocates. They say the policy will improve military readiness by alleviating some of the stress and distractions of military personnel as they attempt to legalize the status of undocumented relatives.
We offer full-service immigration law representation through Joseph Alfred, who is Of Counsel to the Mayer Group. If you have military immigration law questions, contact us.
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